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Saturday, 21 January 2012

Weird but funny Hairstyle across the globe-the 31 most wierd of all!!

Obviously our world is full of crazy and strange people. They act weird many times, some people wear strange clothes, put strange make-up and do many strange stuff. Lets see what these people are doing here, some strangest hairstyles I have ever seen.Here’s a number of photo’s I’m happy I am not in. Check out these crazy hair styles, that will make you appreciate your mediocre haircut.

Usually when we think of weird hairstyles lady gaga is the first person that comes to mind! We all love the wild the weird and the wonderful. Hair is one accessory that is free and  great hair automatically makes you good looking. however what we have below are some the greatest fashion disasters in the world of hair couture! Surely the fashion police should have these fiends sentenced for life.

Each person is unique in his/her own way but there are those who try really hard to stand out from the crowd. Like these guys! Their hairstyles are rad and just look to weird to be real. You won’t believe it when you see these guys hairdos. Take a look!

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